Mark 6. Jesus' is rejected in Nazareth.
Jesus offended them. Their religious sensibilities, their cultural heritage, their way of life, their village rules. Jesus broke into their simple routine and threatened to expose their lack of faith. For there were many who were devoted to the synagogue in Nazareth, but they were not so devoted to God’s ways. They were devoted to keeping things the way they liked them, keeping out the sinners, rejecting the foreigners, disregarding the women and children’s poverty and disease. They would rather suffer themselves than trust in God to heal what was wounded and broken inside. They were hiding from the truth behind their religious façade. They were not free.
Jesus offends me. I cannot do what he says. I cannot go where he sends. I cannot simplify my lifestyle. I cannot leave behind what I know to be good; my home, my possessions, my safe, secure, sheltered self-importance. I cannot shake the dust off my feet and move on whenever the gospel is rejected. I cannot heal. He called me to this ministry and I can do nothing. I am not free.
Jesus offends us. Who does he think he is? He was a man, a construction worker, an illegitimate son of a young woman whose reputation was tainted by suspicions of adultery unproven. He is not authorized to speak for GOD, as GOD, and with GOD. We prefer that he does not speak with authority. We want to be our own authorities, with our own voice and vote on matters of church, household, and personal choice. We want Jesus to matter less and me to matter more. We don’t believe that Jesus is alive today or present or real or powerful or worthy of our adoration and praise. If we did, we would fall on our knees and offer our lives to this one who died for us. Instead we offer an hour a week, some prayers, and we try to keep our noses clean and to occasionally do good.
He does not approve of our religion; our tired rituals and our empty prayers, our going through the motions and our insipid old hymns. He does not need us to show up here on Sunday out of obligation or duty or routine. He does not need us to do anything, give anything, make anything. Our opinions on matters of God and faith are irrelevant in the face of His truth telling. He knows we are self-focused, self-consumed and self-motivated. He knows you are thinking about how long it will take me to preach this sermon. He knows you are thinking about lunch and about what’s next in your day. He knows some have chosen cultural and national gods this weekend over divine justice and grace. He knows our national pride this weekend chooses to overlook or ignore our national shortcomings and failures as a people to raise up women, children, the working poor, the person of color, the immigrant, the globally oppressed. He knows we have rejected the Kingdom of GOD in favor of our own private religious kingdoms, our own national identity, and our own cultural values rooted in our love of money and self. We love our church, but we’re not so sure about JESUS yet.
Jesus offends us because the in- breaking reign of GOD is sunlight through dark clouds. It exposes us. He exposed the people of Nazareth, who rejected Him. We reject Him too.
The truth is: Faithful people are not all religious. Religious people are not all faithful. There are plenty of religious people whose devotion and love is misdirected, whose lukewarm expression God spits out. There are plenty of faithful people who trust in GOD with all their hearts, soul, minds, and strength, but they do not participate in any religious community. Who would you rather be? Following Jesus is not safe or easy. And followers of Jesus will offend others with the truth. Some will welcome the truth and others will not. I want to follow Jesus. I want to heal and share the hope that I have and serve people who need a compassionate servant to love them as they are. I am learning to follow Him as I read the gospels and practice His ways. Some of you are being sent out of here today on a mission to follow and practice His ways too. Go lightly. You only need yourself and the Holy Spirit as your guide. Listen. Do what he tells you to do. Speak God’s word. Repeat what you have heard and read in it. Take better care of what God has given you. GO green. Give away what you don’t need. And don’t be tempted to pursue useless things or ideas. Build relationships with others that are mutually beneficial, but seek to serve others unconditionally. Care about others first. IN these ways you will worship HIM. You will be set free. AMEN.
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