Sunday, November 18, 2012

why I hope the world comes to an end

Fiscal cliffs, wars in Israel and Palestine, Black Friday.  12/20/2012. The end is coming, I declare it!  Or not.
Doctrinally, Lutheran Christians believe in the end of the age, the return of Christ, and the final judgment.  But we don’t talk about it much, it's not our central message.  Of course, we believe in heaven.  Most Americans do.  About 80%.  Fewer Americans believe in hell.  About 60%.  I guess, when it comes to God and the afterlife, Americans are optimistic.  So, an afterlife is in the future.  But what happens after that is less clear.  As is the way to access the afterlife.  Many believe it is a given, regardless of religious affiliation.  Others believe something quite different. That your beliefs guarantee your future after death.  If you were to ask ten people the question; do you believe in heaven and how does one get there, besides that you have to die first; I would guess you would get ten different answers.  If someone asked you that question, what would you say?  If they asked you if you believe in hell and who goes there, what would you say?  What do you believe in your gut about these things? Will the world end?   I suspect most of you do not believe in the “Left Behind” fundamentalist Christian story line---a story that is about divine punishment and destruction, more than salvation.  I, for one, believe that we are saved.  And I hope that God’s salvation includes those I would exclude.