I know we promised pictures and we'll get to it. Maybe tomorrow. Days are long and were exhausted by the time we gather to close the day and I sit to recap.
What an awesome day in New Orleans. We ate Gumbo at Joey K's, shopped in the french Quarter,worshiped in the Superdome again, heard amazing stories from women doing the work of Jesus by bringing justice to women and girls from Senegal and state prisons. We heard good music. David Shearer, aka "Agape" is a hip hop Lutheran. We went to his concert tonight and he was really great. I'm not a big rap or hiup hop fan, but I really dug his stuff. The kids did too.
We took part in various learning workshops and modules to provoke some thinking about our respective roles in massive global problems. Though not particularly inspiring, they were part of this way of life.
And that's just it. This is not an event. This is a way of life. IN some ways we could do this anywhere and should. And in other ways we could only do this in New Orleans. But it is clear that the unplanned surprises are just as important and necessary as the planned events. because this is about love---God's love for us manifest to us not in special events,but in the mundane experiences of daily life. And also,in the love we are seeing and sharing, especially inspiring stories of love we have heard. Love that has brought justice and peace and healing to broken lives.
This morning I got on the trolley to go downtown and sat with a woman who was reading her bible. I said, "Reading psalms,I see.I love Psalm 121." I quoted the psalm and she said that she had been searching for the very one, but couldn't remember it. We talked for the entire trip about her family, the city, katrina, faith in GOD, rebuilding, the ELCA gathering. I won't forget this child of GOD I got to meet on a trolley in New Orleans.
The energy of youth is contagious. And to mobilize them to practice compassionate justice as followers of Jesus is what this is all about.
We went to French Quarter today. That is quite a place. Some of it is rated 'R'. but we did hear a little jazz.
I miss Cherie and my boys today. So I bet the kids are missing their folks and they are missing their kids too. But we are all well. Everyone is happy, getting along really well, enjoying each other, etc...Friendships are emerging.
Tomorrow we will go to cafe du monde for beignets and coffee. We will spend the day in the interactive center, a fun place to play and serve and contribute to the greater good. We are raising a million dollars through our gifts.
And we will go earlier to the Superdome to get good seats. I will catch up with some friends, too. Anthony Briggs, Marissa, and Jay.
The connections and friendships and love in the church always blow me away at a thing like this. Old friends and new ones. Lots of hugs and high fives and shouts of joy as a sign of our unity in faith. I wish church were like this! Loving, joyful, hopeful, living for Jesus. I guess church would be like this if we let this experience shape us as the church where we are. There are 37,000 Lutheran here, most of them under teh age of 40. Baptized children of GOD following Jesus. For all of them I give thanks and pray.