I came to the gathering with several motives, not the least of which was to experience the city of New orleans. I also hope to give some wonderful young people an experience of the church that they have not experienced before. We've had that. Its been great so far. French quarter does not disappoint. New Orleans charms you.
But I also realize that I come to New Orleans in search of the cross. The cross is where we find Jesus. It is where God reveals the revolutionary nature of divine power and justice. God, hidden in the midst of our suffering. Humanity in bondage to sin and death, walking in darkness and despair, thirsty and weary and longing. I want my kids to see the cross too. Because so much of what we are about personally and culturally avoids the cross and its power. We are afraid or ashamed or embarassed by it.The church is called, not only to witness the cross, but to bear the cross for the sake of others. So we are called to be cross-bearers in the form of humble servants,having the mind of Christ.
We've heard stories of triumph and hope from people who have experienced tragedy and pain. We've seen pyrotechnics and amazing shows. (I wonder how much that is costing us?) And in the end, the event will wrap up with a tidy mega-Lutheran church worship and farewell on Sunday. The story of this gathering will have a happy ending, if all goes as planned.
But not all stories have happy endings. Not all people get saved. I don't want us to get a false impression that God fixes everything that's broken. Some things remain broken. Some people lose. Sometimes we fail and its tempting to say that God fails too. It looks that way sometimes in this world. That is the cross.
Asa a follower of the crucified one, i want to fail. I want to be with the loser, with the one's who aren't making it or getting better, with the one who is broke and broken, with the forgotten and the ignored. I want to be with the hopeless case because Jesus is there. In the worst case scenerio. I want to stare down suffering and death and say, "Take what you will now. But GOD reigns forever. And GOD is merciful and loving and kind and gracious and GOD is my father and my promised savior." I want to say it through tears and with a shaky faith, in my weakness and in God's strength.
I like empowerment and inspiration and I get that we need it. But resurrection glory must follow crucifixion and death.
So tomorrow, may GOD reveal His love by revealing the cross to us in this place. And may we be too weak to turn away or reject it. May we receive the sign of the cross on our heads, in our senses, and on our hearts.
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