Clothing Giveaway and community cookout this Saturday from 9:00 to 1:00 pm. Over 20 Zion people have been engaged in the preparations for this grace event. A new group, the MOZ (Men of Zion) has formed. May GOD send neighbors to receive. May GOd contine to increase the spirit of generosity and openness to neighborhood currently working in some leaders at ZION.
There is a real spirit of renewal happening right now that I hope we can capitalize on it in the months ahead. There is energy, an amazing power. I pray that Saturday bears fruit that tastes so good that Zion people want more...When God's people taste the goodness of GOD experienced in mission, the spirit of service and generosity is contagious. May it spread like widlfire through the community of believers who gather at Zion this weekend. And I hope that I am offered an opportunity to proclaim, to share, and to welcome people. The one who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it. maywe see the fruit of our ministry this weekend.