Mark 4:35-41: Jesus calms a storm. A story about fear, faith, and final frontiers.
Why did Jesus cross the sea? To get to the other side. Why did the chickens cross the sea? To follow Jesus. This is a story about Jesus and chickens and getting to the other side. So, the disciples are fishermen familiar with the boat and the fickle Galilee Sea, where fast storms and high winds arise quickly and cause havoc on typically calm waters. It is dangerous to sail this sea and they all know it. So what’s with all the drama?
They are sailing to the other side---to gentile territory as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God announced by Jesus’powerful words and deeds of healing. They are sailing to gentile territory, unsafe, scary, dark, unfamiliar, dangerous territory with dangerous foreign people. There are parts of Lancaster city you will not go into at night. There are certain people you would fear if you met them on the streets there. There is racism in that fear. They had reason to be a little anxious about this trip. But being faithful means following Jesus, following Jesus means crossing personal borders, taking risks, moving from comfortable complacency to bold, life changing action. Peter’s Porch, prison ministry, refugee ministry, community meals, any servant ministry is border crossing ministry.
Jesus is asleep. Like Jonah. Asleep during the storm. But unlike the reluctant prophet, Jesus is going exactly where he is meant to go to do exactly what he’s meant to do.
As disciples we are in this story in the disciples’ responses. First, their response to his sleeping is the question, “Don’t you care that we are perishing?” They misinterpreted his behavior as a sign that he didn’t care. We want others, GOD, to care about our stuff, our issues, our concerns, our worries. I get that. I’m supposed to care. And second that they were awestruck by his power over the waters and the wind, the exercise of his divine creative powers strikes fear and amazement in them. We don’t expect GOD to show up and act. We don’t believe.
So, when they wake Jesus they do not expect him to change the events, to calm the seas, to bring peace and stillness. What do they expect? They expect him to care the way they do. They expect him to get a bucket and bail like mad, they expect him to pray for help, they expect him to cry, to hang on tight, to grab a life jacket, to grab a buddy, to quote the psalms. They expect him to do something! React! Be HUMAN! And he does. HE Sleeps.
You know how one person in a group who is angry, frustrated, upset, worried, and frightened can easily get everyone else to feel and act the same? One person can turn a group against another person, even against a trusted leader. One person’s anxiety increases the level of anxiety in a room of others. Its instinctual, part of group survival. If someone says the sky is falling, the sky is falling. You run for cover! Group panic. Group anger. Group fear. Group rebellion. It happens. Even in church. Often in politics. Some families function this way, one person’s problem becomes everyone’s problem. Usually leads to a form of mental and emotional paralysis. And the group tends to do two things: Blame someone and do whatever is necessary to reduce the emotional tension. Both unhealthy and unchristian responses.
Jesus gets up and speaks to the sea and silences the wind. And there is a dead stillness.
Jesus calms the sea. And Jesus is calm on the sea. His way is opposite and counter intuitive. He will not participate in the group’s fear, anxiety, and futile activity to save themselves. He sleeps. Then he calms the seas. He rests. Then he acts. Why? Because he knows where he’s going and what he’s doing and knows that nothing on earth will prevent that from happening because it is God’s work.
What if we followed Jesus? What two things must we do? Rest in the assurance that we will not perish. This is grace, to trust GOD before we trust ourselves. Chaos happens. Crises will occur. Social problems, evil, death is overwhelming, like the wind and the waves. And having faith trusts that the GOD who created all things is bringing order to the chaos in this world---Jesus is the way GOD is doing that. Followers of Jesus are called and equipped with the Holy Spirit to live like HIM, bringing peace and stillness and calm to every situation. And bringing divine power and blessing to bear on the great overwhelming problems of our times. Followers of Jesus are sent across the seas of change.
So try being a non-anxious presence this week. Actually try resting or even sleeping when the expectation is to do something! We are doers and fixers. Instead, try resting and inviting Jesus’ powers to accomplish what you cannot. And stop fussing and getting your dander up and getting others to join you in your worries and fears. Care like Jesus, enough to stay above the noise. Then join Jesus by offering what GOD has given you to bring mercy, peace, and grace to places and people on the other side. AMEN.
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