Bread for the World's offering of Letters is a way in which we can speak on behalf of the global poor and hungry to those with power and money and means to change the global economic landscape so that a billion people can eat. Because of the rise in gobal food prices 115 million more people are experiencing hunger in 2008-2009. And the U.S. continues to have one ofthe highest rates of poverty among developed nations and one of the lowest percentages of GDP devoted to poverty relief. This will only change when people with the will and the heart to change it, speak together. "What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your GOD." Click on the link above to connect with the resources and education you need to turn the world around. Are we not stewards and partners with GOD in the ongoing work of the kingdom? Are we not called to be a sign of the in-breaking reign of GOD revealed and announced in the life, death,and resurrection of Jesus? Are we a city on a hill or a lamp under a bushel basket? Send a letter today that inspires leaders to devote more time and more resources toward compassion for the most vulnerable in the world. And find a way to give a meal, a room, a coat, a hand to someone else.
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