On November 4, the United States elected a new President, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois. His inspiring grassrootscamapign, his thoughtful approach to American politics, and his connection with hurting Americans gave him the white house. This is a major change in American life. It is a signn of the change that has already come and is still coming. We are experiencing a season of revolutionary change in our culture, way of life,politics and economics. A new generation of Americans is coming of age and asking questions and seeking to lead. Does the election indicate that younger Americans are ready to be given a voice of authority in public matters and discourse?
I know some Americans are grieving as a result of this election.Obama's task is going to be to reach out to them and unify Americans with a common mission, a common vision, and some common tasks that will transcend party politics and the old labels of conservative or liberal. I suspect obama has the capacity to do these things, if he surrounds himself with the right people and he continues to cast a vision, to embody a dream or a hope for America.
from the perspective of the church, I believe this is a time in American life when we may be able to open dialogue for change that addresses the serious injustices of our society; everything from war to health care, poverty to environmental stewardship is on the table and part of political life right now. I hope we take the opportunity to advocate boldly and with compassion for those who have suffered and continue to suffer from the injustice of broken systems that oppress and kill the spirit of people. And I hope we as a church take a public stand to unite against the degradation of creation and the inhumane treatment of people, especially children in poverty. I believe that a church of integrity is needed today---one that speaks and acts in ways that are consistent with itself and its textual commitments. We are invited to live the way of Jesus and honor God in word and deed. That consistency has not been present in much of the institution. we talk a good talkbut fail to act. Or we act in accord with the mission but fail to speak or interpret that action vis a vis the reign of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have to name the spiritual work as it is being done in and out of the church and we have to act in concert with those people who are embodying the very mission to which we are called.
Our local elementary school is asking us to increase our capacity to love our neighbors and to embrace local families who are in need of God;s compassionate justice. Will we be that church? or will we fix the roof? can we do both?
These questions transcend our tribaland institutional realities. This is a new day economically, politically, and spiritually in the U.S. I believe President Obama can navigate this unfamiliar terrain with the help of open-minded, postmodern thinkers, who are willing to transcend divisive dualisms to engage at a higher level of discourse on pertinent issuesin order to come to a new consensus and a new strategy for life in America.
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