I'm going to visit with Melissa and Steve and company this afternoon. We have a laundry list of action steps with them that includes Samaritan counseling services, community action program, TABOR, etc...just getting people connected to available resources is half the battle. And hanging in there with them, following up, holding accountable without lording it over, offering hope in the midst of real despair---that's what it's all about. Eevn as we continue to stay connected with them, another family is brought to my attention at school today. I spend time in a third grade classroom on Wednesdays. I had a small group of five kids in the hall solving math problems...fun. As a result of my presence there, however, I am offered a chance to ocnnect with another family...single mom, couple of kids, daughter in third grade. I will call her and see if there is a time to visit next week.
Last night I resigned from worship and music committee. I think the ensuing conversation opened some windows and identified the big white elephant in the room. Like all good Americans the big hurdle in leadership of any organization is "how is in charge" and how is that authority given, understood, and received? It is hard for people to understand the nature of Christian leadership or disciple leadership or servant leadership embodied by Jesus and the apostles. It is leadership that has surrendered to the will of GOD. It is leadership under authority, under orders, under God's non-threatening, grace-filled message. I have no power, but I am authorized by Christ to forgive sins, preach the Word, administer sacraments, pray for healing, and equip the saints for the work of ministry for the uilding up of the body of Christ. Christ-inspired authority is expressed in two ways---engagement with the other which creates conflict between the will of the other and the will of GOD; and a willingness to lay down one's own life for the sake of the other as a sign of God's love and grace.
Jeff and I picked up paint and hardware for the clothing room. That'll shape up in the next week or so.
Tomorrow night is the beginning of a monthly discipleship conversation. I hope I have time to prepare notes, a take-home sheet, and some other visuals to go with it.
Also picked up the LWR and Fair Trade displays for the next two weekends.
Festivals of Reformation and All Saints! Watch for more info coming later.
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