I have come to believe that the expressions or emotions of a worshiping community should revolve around joy. Joy and Awe. Joy and Awe. Somethig like mythree-year-old at the zoo or at the ocean for the first time. When something happens and you can't help but smile or even laugh, maybe even get a tear in the eye from it? That kind of joy. Like going down hill too fast on a bike sort of thing. Or a great party. Jesus uses the analogy of the wedding more than once to describe the presence of the kingdom of God. And the gospel of John offers up the weding at Cana as the first sign of resurrection life, long before Jesus' death and resurrection happen in the narrative. Old ritual is replaced by new wine! And the best wine at that! Shouldn't the Christian life reflect that kind of joy and awe? I'm not saying that false joy in the face of suffering is a virtue. I'm saying that Jesus reveals to us that joy is the way of life of the suffering one. Eternal life is full of joy. And I mean eternal meaning the fullest life in abundance possible now for those who follow and believe Jesus.
So why does so little of the Christian life in community seem like joy these days? I'm waiting for joy to break out here, Lord. Give us joy, Lord. Give us joy. In worship let our songs be joyful. IN serving, let our attituide be one of joy. Why? Because a joyful Christian is a sign of God's grace and life.
maybe if I drink a little more wine...
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