I don't want to be that church; the one I described in my last post. I don't want to be irrelevant, hypocritical, or dispassionate. I want to go out on a LIMB and invite us to be a living hope inspired to serve in a trying time. I want us to embrace the missional way of Jesus and be the church that responds to our changing and challenging context with passion and grace. (Maybe I should go to work for LDR or LWR or GM; three wonderfully responsive, yet publically unrecognized parts of the Lutheran church.)
Are you feeling any of this too? Like God expects more from us? I want us to go out on a LIMB together. LIMB is an acronym for Lutherans as Intentional Missional Bodies. LIMB. It's a gospel image from John 15, the vine and the branches. The church as Jesus' limbs--His hands, His feet. Bearing the marks of the cross and yet going out, reaching out, walking together with people. Going out on a LIMB means taking risks, being bold, bearing fruit!
Here's what I propose. if you are interested in discovering ways to go out on a LIMB as Jesus' called disciple, email me. We will get started. I envision a learning community, mission driven and committed to practicing a spiritual way of life for the sake of the world and the coming kingdom of God. We will gather for a meal and an initial discussion this summer.
This is open to lay people and clergy. Its ecumenical too. So invite a mission-focused friend.
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