Monday, June 04, 2007

emergent emergency

So I've read the books. Hell, I breathe missional ecclesiology. I recognize the need and the opportunity within our small mainline Lutheran congregation to be transformed by the Spirit of Jesus to love and serve the world. I'm into the whole global justice/ local missions thing. I seek to offer worship that is inspired and inspiring, collecting the deep spiritual gifts of the great evangelical, catholic, apostolic, and sacramental tradition into a kairos experience of liturgy. I desire koinonia, the mutual sharing of all the gifts of Christian faith and life, among a diverse body of believers, practicing the faith in the midst of a cracked (broken and fragmented) world. I long for peers relationships with fellow disciples.
So why isn;t it happening? This is a God question, I suppose. What am I not doing as a spiritual leader?
I would like to be part of a vibrant spiritual community. I would like to be a leader in such a community. I feel called into that. So what must I do? The books can paint a vision of such a community and the transformation needed to get from here to there. How do I move the system?

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