Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Real Money

"By one estimate, the war in Iraq may eventually cost us $2 trillion! Which raises the question: how else could we have used this money? Acording to Nicholas Kristof (New York Times, October 24), it is four times the amount of money needed to stabilize social security for the next 75 years, and it is four times the amount needed to provide health care insurance for all uninsured Americans for the next decade. Every minute we stay in Iraq costs another $380,000." --Christian Century, November 28, 2006, p. 6.

My Father-in-law thinks we could avoid a full blown Iraqi civil war and actually stop car bombings all together by purchasing a new car for every Iraqi. It would have ot be the same vehicle, same make, model, color, etc...Maybe a Ford Focus. For less than the cost of the war effort, every Iraqi would receive the gift of a new car. Who wants to blow up a new car? And if all the cars are the same, there's no competition. Iraqi oil companies would thrive, auto mechanic schools would be full. Just an idea.

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