Does anyone else find it subversive that Christians declare allegiance, faith, loyalty to this King whose Kingdom is not of this present world order? Does anyone find it contrary to follow this servant King, this compassionate Lord, this sacrifical monarch, while continuing to serve our own self-interests? Or our nation's self-interests, when those interests cause war, economic disaster, and global tyranny? How might we become ambassadors for Christ the King during this Holy Season of hope and peace? Are we not His loyal subjects, his servants, his students? To where does our king lead us? To the mall, the outlets, the online shopping plaza or to the prison, the homeless shelter, and the hospital bed? "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the Words of eternal life." If we echo Peter's commitment to Jesus, what does that mean? His crown, a crown of thorns. His throne, a cross and tomb. His power, made known in weakness. He stands in direct contrast to the powers of this world. Do we stand with HIM?
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