“And they fled the tomb and said nothing to no one for they were terrified.” Mark 16:8.
Mark intends to take his readers back to that sunlit Sunday morning in the tombs and to leave us awe struck, gazing into the dimly lit rock hewn resting place, where no body was at rest. He intends for us to see and hear a mystery man declare an amazing truth---“You look for Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified one, He is not here, He was raised!” He intends to shock us. He wants to send our emotions reeling. After all, the previous days and hours had been emotionally devastating. He told of His triumphal entry, subsequent arrest, trial, torture, execution, and death in a matter of a few pages of text. And now, even more briefly told, is this story of resurrection.
Are we too far removed from it to be awe struck? Are we too distanced from the event to feel the power of fear overcome us? What are the implications for you and me if this story is true? Easter is joyful. But it is also devastatingly amazing. It is awe-full, as Lutheran theologian Marva Dawn would say. Why? Because Easter changes everything. Resurrection means that there is a God who actually cares. God is no passive observer of human life and death. God actively participates in human suffering and death, in order to give holy meaning and life to it. Suffering and death are not meaningless ends to an irrelevant existence. Jesus’ resurrection is God’s promise to us. Sin and death do not hold power over our lives anymore. God is ultimate. Christ is Lord of life. We are recipients of God’s love when we trust that death is not the end. Resurrection is. The implications are staggering. The ways of war and injustice are fruitless. Our focus on survival and longevity is pointless. Selfish gains for a “better life now” are petty. Resurrection means that life is God’s. Your life, your health, your future are in the hands of the God who raised Jesus from the dead. So, surrender. Let God use you for love and love alone. Sew peace, bring hope, offer grace, provide mercy, do what is right and true. Believe with awe and amazement.
Happy Easter.
+ Love, Pastor Matt +
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