Thursday, March 31, 2016


Scripture: Matthew 28
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’


Jesus was crucified by the Romans and buried by his friends.  The following Sunday, the tomb is empty and he appears alive to his followers.  Men and women.  He has a glorified body, a different kind of body, wounded and healed.  He has broken the bonds of death.  His resurrection tells us that his life's work is ongoing, never-ending, and completely confirmed as right ad good and true---universally--for all people in all times and places.  Because his way and words and works were love, healing, forgiveness, mercy, peace, healing, friendship, sacrifice, welcome.  His way is the best way to be human in the world.  Some do not agree with that characterization.  I suspect the church's pale version of his love or outright perversion of his gospel over the centuries has done considerable damage to his message and reputation.    
At the end of the gospel of Matthew, Jesus gathers with his disciples on the mountain.  (Same place he taught the sermon on the Mount--see Matthew 5-8).  According to Matthew, his resurrection was divine authorization to continue the mission through the lives of his followers.  These people worshiped him and doubted.  Doubters and worshipers.  Sounds like church.  Jesus sends these people to make disciples.  Perpetuate his work by teaching others, showing others what he had taught and shown them.  Spread the love by loving others as he loved them.  Baptizing, reaffirm their birthright as God's beloved children.  Remind them that they are born children of the heavenly Father.  Adopt them as daughters and sons.  Wash away the stain of sin.  And teach them to obey. Notice he doesn't promise them success or acclaim or greatness.  Notice, he will not measure them by how well they accomplish them mission.  He just promises to be with them always.   

The church's mission is not to erect buildings.  It is not even to gather for worship.  It is not to convince doubters that they are saved.  It is to make disciples.  Only disciples can make disciples.  So, what did he teach?  What were his ways?  We must become learners.  Imitators. Apprentices to Jesus.  We won't get it right. Our imperfections and mistakes are anticipated.  It's why he was so forgiving and why he chose uneducated fishermen.  If they could do it, anyone can.  So it is with me and you.  If I can do this, anyone can.  What can we do as disciples of Jesus? 
Jesus healed and fed people.  He accompanied and showed compassion to abandoned, ignored, rejected, and despised people.  He saw their pain, their fear, and their anxiety.  He comforted them. He freed people from blindness, paralysis, prejudice, animosities, and distrust.  He told stories.
Maybe we can do these things?  Why don't we start with food.  Easy enough.  We feed people, especially hungry people. We don't have to count how many people we feed.  We don't have to publicize or start a program to do this.  One person.  Show the love of Jesus to one person. See what happens. 
We are learning together in huddle what it is to be a disciple of Jesus who makes disciples of Jesus.  Persist.  Practice.  Ask.  Reflect.  What is Jesus about?  How can I be about that, too?   

Lord, help us to trust your ways and be like you.  What can we do today to show that we are your disciples, your apprentices?  Amen. 


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