Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jesus wants to save Christians

Jesus Wants to Save Christians is a new book by Rob Bell and Don Golden worth reading, but only if you are willing to be challenged by the biblical narrative in the way that St. Stephen challenged the dominant religious interpreters of that narrative in his day. The link goes to a blog devoted to a virtual reality game connected to the themes of the book. You may also listen to the authors read their book by clicking on the link in my 'links' sidebar.
This book deals with the dominant narrative of empire and power, how Christendom was coppted by this narrative, how we are being called out of that narrative to more fully and deeply embrace the alternative narrative of the God found in the Bible; both old and new testaments. if you've read Walter Brueggeman or N.T. Wright, among other biblical scholars of the late modern, postmodern age you will resonate with the simple scholarship of Jesus Wants to Save Christians.
Warning: if you are satisfied with Christianity as it is, as you've known it in your own personal and corporate faith life, then maybe this book is not for you. Hey, that's okay. I'm not being judgmental or critical of you. I'm protecting you, I think. And if you ar in this camp, you are probabl thinking, "Who is he, I don't need protecting. What harm could this little book cause? besides, I'm not an idiot. I can think for myself." You are right. And if you want to read it, be my guest. But don't say you weren't warned.

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